Zagreb received a monument to the victims of the Holocaust

A monument to the victims of the Holocaust in memory of 6 million victims of Nazism and its allies will be set up in the center of Zagreb, the Zagreb municipality decided. Three advisors from the non-parliamentary left were opposing, demanding to erect a monument to the victims of the Ustaša Independent State of Croatia - NDH.

The city government says it has been decided that such a monument should be raised several meters from that monument.

The construction in the center of Zagreb is from a stylized suitcase with sealed signs from the Holocaust, which was voted by Zagreb city councilors on the proposal of Deputy Mayor Milan Bandic, Jelena Pavikic

Academic sculptor Dalibor Stosic and architect Kresimir Rogina is the first prize winner in the public competition.

The monument will be placed on the main square, where exactly the victims with the coffers were taken to the concentration camps through the occupied Europe at that time.

The representatives of the far right Zlatka Hasanbegovic and Bruno Esih were not in the voting, and the proposal was supported by the right-wing and left center advisers.


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