Policeman Stojan Bogdan from Čakovec, Croatia: I am Roma, but I did not deserve to see me as someone who steals and does not have a culture!

I do not ask for any special rights like Roma, but in the first place like any other citizen of Croatia. And that means I expect that my fundamental civil rights guaranteed to me by the Constitution will not be violated.

Roma policeman in the Medjumurje. Does that sound sensational to you? Perhaps because we are full of prejudices.

Stojan Bogdan is one of the few in the Medjumurje. More precisely in the entire region, only two are police officers! He is a 31-year-old from Čakovec, who has been working for eight years and has recently passed the exam for a senior police officer.

He says for himself that he also encounters prejudices from the wounded, but expects him to see him as every citizen of Croatia, and not someone who associates a person without culture and the like.

He says for himself that he would like to be an example in the positive sense of the younger generation, and that "if he could why not others," and only desire and endurance is needed.


Link: https://romapress.mk/featured/me-sem-rom-numa-na-valani-man-te-dikhen-sar-djikoj-so-chorela-thaj-nane-ole-kultura/

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