What were the most frequent professions of Roma from Slovakia through history

The fact that Roma from Europe have their own rich history and tradition is also shown in the excerpt from the book by Emilija Hrvatova from Slovakia titled "Roma from Slovakia". The book was published in 1964.
It is stated that according to the entry in the tax book in the period 1522 - 1523, the Roma engaged in many professions. The most common were musicians, boilers, blacksmiths, jewelry makers, knife manufacturers, slippers, carpets, tailors, leathermakers. butchers and more.

At the same time, one of the main sources of income was also horse breeders and their resale. In one of his travel notes by Evliya Celebija in 1668, it was noted that the Roma were also members of various craft associations - guilds.

About 70 men who were dealing with bears were registered on that list. and traders with horses about 300.

Otherwise Emilija Horvatova notes in her book that Roma in Europe were noticed in 1348 on the territory of Serbia

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