Known the identity of all victims - among them a young mother of two children

The identity of the 14 passengers who lost their lives in yesterday's car accident at Karpalak is known. According to the media, they are:

Remetula Abduraimi, the only one in the Abduraimi family
Valde Hamiti (1989), from Debreste, mother of two children
Jovica Trpevski from Gostivar, son of the MP Blagojce Trpevski
Besim Kamberi, p. Senokos, Gostivar
Onur Sadiku (19), from Gostivar
Esat Emruli from Gostivar
Aidin Ismaili (19) from Gostivar
Besim Fetai, from Vrapciste
Beiza Uzeiri, from Dolna Banjica
Zoran Davidovski (1981), employed in the City of Skopje
Boban Avramovski, student at FON
Trpana Janevska, a pensioner from Gostivar
Dejan Ristevski, employee of the National Bank of Macedonia
Pavle Kostovski from Gostivar, a graduate of the Faculty of Law in Skopje

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