Will Durmo Tours driver be another "victim": The owner claims he has lost control of himself

The owner of Durmo Tours, Durmish Beluli, in a statement for "24 Vesti" says that the bus that turned over on Wednesday was right. In a statement on television, he says that the company's employees heard the phone with the driver and that he had discovered the cause of the accident for them, that is, he had lost control of himself while driving the bus.

-A responsible person at Durmo Tours contacted the driver after the accident. He said that he was aware that he had lost control, in the question of whether he had lost control of the bus, or above himself, the answer was that he was above himself.

Probably for health reasons. The bus was about 200 meters away, there was no trace of braking nor a reaction to the driver - says Beluli.

He added that he feels moral responsibility and that he sympathizes with the families of the dead.
His complaints are contrary to the statement of one of the passengers who claims that the driver could not turn the steering wheel, and for the trail of braking it is necessary for skilled persons to give their opinion.

Link: https://www.brif.mk/ke-bide-li-vozachot-na-durmo-turs-ushte-edna-zhrtva-sopstvenikot-i-trvdi-deka-izgubil-kontrola-nad-samiot-sebe/?fbclid=IwAR2sTXGar-1E6fC8G--


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