Tragic Fate of Roma: Death for unknown reasons and permanent disability from reckless treatment

Roma in the use of health services face multiple problems on a daily basis, and the judicial system is also "not on their side", Roma activists' activists complain about raising awareness about their rights.

From them they say that the police often treat them as "criminals", that they do not receive the same treatment as the rest and in the social institutions. They find it difficult to work, just because they are Roma. Most of them are doomed to hunger, poverty and poverty.

Stigmatization and discrimination against them, by everyone else in society, further complicates everyday life.

Roma, as a ethnic Macedonian ethnic group in Macedonia, should enjoy all rights and freedoms as well as all other people in the country. They say, it's time to raise awareness in society that we are all equal, giving them the opportunity to progress and live a normal and dignified life.

They complain that there are more cases in which they or their families were oppressed, and could not receive adequate legal sarcastic.

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