The labor exploitation and discrimination of Roma children in Vinica and Kocani is investigated

Association Initiative for unemployed intellectuals - INI from Vinica has started research on the educational inclusion of Roma children in the municipalities of Vinica and Kocani, as well as on the forms of labor exploitation, discrimination and various forms of violence against them.

Partner in the project implementation is the Roma association "Avena" from Kocani, and the research and analysis will be conducted in several target groups of citizens during this calendar year.

We want to get a true picture of the number of Roma families whose children do not attend classes and are victims of labor exploitation and violence. We will work to better inform about their rights, as well as to strengthen the capacities of the responsible institutions for preventing child labor exploitation and discrimination against children due to ethnic, religious or other belonging. We will help these families advocate to local authorities, with specific recommendations to bring appropriate programs for the protection of children's rights, said Todor Tsonev, president of the INI association.

Within the frame of the project, educational workshops for parents will be organized and a manual for protection of the rights of children from labor exploitation, discrimination and violence will be developed.

The research is funded by EU funds within the project "Strategic Partnerships for Developing a Social Change Agenda" implemented by the Association for Action against Violence and Human Trafficking "Open Gate".


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