Serbia: 29m euros for a better life of the Roma community

The Vice President of the Government of Serbia prof. Dr. Zoran Mihailovic, during his chairing of the third session with the Coordinative body for monitoring the implementation of the Strategy for Social Inclusion of Roma in Serbia (2016-2025), where the implementation of projects for inclusion of Roma and preparation of a new Action Plan and implementation of durable housing solutions and infrastructure improvements in Roma settlements.
At the same time, it was discussed about the establishment of regional standards for responsible budgeting of the policy for inclusion of Roma.

Mihajlovic stressed that the Government of Serbia is committed to the inclusion of the Roma community in the society, which implies better conditions in the areas of employment, social protection, education, health and housing.

She informed the members of the Coordinative Body that at the moment a project for improvement of the infrastructure and housing conditions in the Roma settlements in 13 cities and municipalities worth over 9 million Euros is being implemented, and that through the new IPA programs will be provided 20 million euros for social housing and employment of Roma.


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