
SEC: SDSM - 46 seats, VMRO-DPMNE - 44, DUI - 15

According to the latest unofficial results of the State Election Commission, out of 3,421 processed out of a total of 3,480 polling stations, the SDSM-led coalition "We Can" won 46 seats, and VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition 44.

DUI won 15 seats, and the coalition Alliance for Albanians / Alternative - 12. The left won two seats and the DPA one seat in parliament.

According to unofficial results, SDSM and the coalition won 36.12 percent of the vote, and VMRO-DPMNE 34.85.

Десеттите по ред парламентарни избори во Македонија, ќе се одржат на 15-ти јули, кои според Избирачкиот список се 1.814.263 лица. Правото на глас ќе го реализираат на 3.480 избирачки места во шест изборни единици, а ќе избираат меѓу 15 партии и коалиции. Гласањето ќе трае од 7 до 21 часот. Овие предвремени парламентарни избори ќе се одржат во шесте изборни единици (ИЕ) на територијата на земјата. На кандидатиските листи ќе бидат 15 политички субјекти со свои кандидатски листи. Меѓу нив има и ромски кандидати

The tenth consecutive parliamentary elections in Macedonia will be held on July 15, which according to the Voters' List is 1,814,263 people. They will exercise their right to vote at 3,480 polling stations in six constituencies, choosing between 15 parties and coalitions. Voting will last from 7 am to 9 pm. These early parliamentary elections will be held in the six constituencies (IE) on the territory of the country.


There will be 15 political entities on the candidate lists with their own candidate lists. Among them are Roma candidates

The government of R.N. Macedonia reduces budget for Roma by 34% with budget rebalance

During the session held on May 15, 2020, the Government of the Republic of Northern Macedonia adopted an ordinance amending the budget for 2020 in order to respond to the needs of the new crisis with the Covid virus. With the new rebalance of the Budget, the funds intended for Support of the Decade and the strategy for Roma have been reduced by 34%, ie from 73 million denars (1.2 million euros) to 48 million denars (about 800,000 euros) (basic budget)

Within the budget users from the priority areas of the Roma Strategy 2014-2020, the following changes have been made:

Ministry of Transport and Communications - From the total planned budget of 650.000 euros with a rebalance of the budget it is reduced by 50%, the new budget is 325.000 euros)

Ministry of Labor and Social Policy - from about 130.000 euros), is reduced by 26% and it amounts to 100.000 euros)

Ministry of Education and Science - From the total planned budget of 350.000 euros) with the supplementary budget it has been reduced by 15% and it amounts to about 300.000 euros

With the Kovid19 virus causing serious economic and health consequences for everyone, especially the Roma community, the reduction of the Budget for Supporting the Implementation and Strategy of the Roma further threatens the position and contributes to the expansion of poverty among the Roma community.

The cut in the Budget for Supporting the Implementation of the Roma Strategy is contrary to the recommendations of the European Commission, where the 2019 Progress Report notes that “much remains to be done to implement the strategy aimed at greater integration of the Roma community. “

Trial in Idrizovo soon: The largest courtroom in the country built in the prison

With the support of the European Union within the IPA action program "Support to the Justice Sector", the largest courtroom in the country was built within the "Idrizovo" Prison. This whole part of the prison covers an area of ​​1000 m2 and has a capacity for a total of about 120 people.

Having in mind the seriousness of the serious crimes and security reasons, this courtroom with a capacity of about 120 people, will allow the trials of the detained persons for these cases to take place in the penitentiary "Idrizovo".

The purpose of building this complex with a courtroom in the Idrizovo prison is to try detainees as well as convicts for serious crimes against which other criminal proceedings are being conducted, and whose transport to the courts is a security risk.

This will significantly reduce the risk of escaping detainees and convicts during transport to the courts. Additionally, with the use of this courtroom, significant funds will be saved for the transport of detainees and convicts in the courts, and at the same time the prison service and the police participating in the conduct of these persons will be relieved.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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