
Former President of the German Football Association (DFB) Felix Lineman sends hundreds of people to Auschwitz

The Football Association of Germany (DFB) has said former President Felix Lineman is directly responsible for sending hundreds of people to the Auschwitz death camp where they were killed.


The alliance stated Linneman, who served as president from 1925 to 1945. he was directly involved in the registration of the Roma as head of the Hanover Criminal Police Control Center, which was a preliminary phase of their deportation to Auschwitz.


Monday marks 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz, and the German Football Association is promoting and supporting the Holocaust Remembrance Day.


"This year marks the suffering of more than 20,000 Roma killed in Auschwitz and we feel special responsibility towards that population," said DFB President Fritz Keller.


Link: http://www.zurnal.rs/fudbal/velika-petorka/92014/bivsi-predsednik-fs-nemacke-poslao-nekoliko-stotina-ljudi-u-ausvic?lang=lat

So far, 50 countries have reported the most interest in the IRU Congress in Skopje in March 2020

Following the decision made by the IRU Membership and Cabinet 3 months ago, that the 11th IRU Congress will be held in Skopje in March 2020.

In addition to regular activities, such as the Election of a new Presidency and the Parliament of the IRU, the submission of applications for membership of the IRU and the admission of new delegates were ongoing.

This increases the number of members of the IRU Parliament as well as the dignity of the organization itself, which for the first time also will be voted on by the future leadership of the IRU either electronically or better known as the Democratic Transition.

According to the interest shown by the Roma activists, intellectuals, students and others themselves, there is a great deal of interest, with the large number of applications for their membership in the IRU, which will be decided at the IRU Congress in March 2020.

It should be noted that more than 50 states around the world are expected to participate in the Congress itself, which has so far reported their participation. It is also planned to host other prominent invited guests where it is expected that this number will be over 150 participants and guests at this large 11th IRU Congress.

Suzana Vasiljevic, Aleksandar Vucic's adviser, addressed Ivica Dacic: "Your wife is in hospital because of an affair with a Gypsy woman"

For Serbian officials and politicians, however, despite their constitutionally guaranteed declaration as Roma, they are still gypsies.

A handwritten letter from Suzana Vasiljevic, media adviser to Aleksandar Vucic and one of the main promoters of the ruling party's propaganda in Serbia, appeared on the internet.

However, in her letter to Prime Minister Ivica Dacic, she says: "I was protecting your interests, stopping the unwanted information in newspapers and TV shows, doing political campaigns on the international stage, not being a spy, but for the first time I could do something I thought it was for the good of the state.

And you let a former prostitute, my name and your name appear on the internet and on TV and threaten me and send me vulgar sms.

What to say to reporters who call me and ask if I am informed that the Prime Minister's wife ended up in hospital due to a nervous breakdown a few weeks ago because of an affair with a Gypsy?

Given that I'm a professional, and still working for you, I didn't tell anyone who was really behind this. Not because of you, but because of me and your family.
So I ask you to solve this problem as soon as possible on this or any other of ours "reads the letter of Suzana Vasiljevic.

Link: https://inforadar.co/vesti/najvaznije-vesti-iz-arhive/vuciceva-savetnica-dacicu-zena-ti-je-zavrsila-u-bolnici-zbog-tvoje-afere-sa-nekom-cigankom/?fbclid=IwAR0yvYI8UXIOMnoz4TaJGsvaEeqyOwPL9VipE1vAKHmOKS4odBUH7WaQnPo

UK: Racism is more prevalent in the ruling parties

In the past year, Roma across Europe have experienced persecution, discrimination, racism and violence on their own skin coming from the top of the state.


One of the main issues at last year's general election in the United Kingdom was the issue of widespread racism in Britain's leading parties. The conclusion is that Islamophobia is most prevalent among Conservatives, and Labor is accused of being anti-Semitic.


But there is also a long-standing phenomenon of the conservatives. This is discrimination against the Roma population where there is a large number of people in Britain. It is about 300,000 people.


Those prejudiced by those labeled as Roma or Travelers are one of the most widespread forms of racism in Britain, where besides party racism it is all but silenced by the media.


Link: http://www.portal-udar.net/velika-britanija-rasizam-sve-vise-prisutan-u-vladajucim-partijama/?fbclid=IwAR2cWanqE_IHv-ffoHshh92KdY_Uf11dD9a4t6pb6tWHlYFYcKUVqQWoDbU

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