Trial in Idrizovo soon: The largest courtroom in the country built in the prison

With the support of the European Union within the IPA action program "Support to the Justice Sector", the largest courtroom in the country was built within the "Idrizovo" Prison. This whole part of the prison covers an area of ​​1000 m2 and has a capacity for a total of about 120 people.

Having in mind the seriousness of the serious crimes and security reasons, this courtroom with a capacity of about 120 people, will allow the trials of the detained persons for these cases to take place in the penitentiary "Idrizovo".

The purpose of building this complex with a courtroom in the Idrizovo prison is to try detainees as well as convicts for serious crimes against which other criminal proceedings are being conducted, and whose transport to the courts is a security risk.

This will significantly reduce the risk of escaping detainees and convicts during transport to the courts. Additionally, with the use of this courtroom, significant funds will be saved for the transport of detainees and convicts in the courts, and at the same time the prison service and the police participating in the conduct of these persons will be relieved.

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