EU leaders did not agree on the heads of the Union's institutions

The leaders of the European Union (EU) at the meeting on June 17 failed to agree on the appointment of new heads of the European institutions.

The outgoing President of the European Council, Charles Michel, confirmed the lack of an agreement. "It is our duty by the end of June to agree on the candidates for top positions in the EU and the strategic agenda," Michel said at the end of a working dinner of European leaders.

The heads of state and government had to agree in principle on the names for which there was already an informal agreement.

However, everything changed when the leaders of those countries or governments, coming from the European People's Bloc, asked for a share in the position of President of the European Council.

The President of the European Council is elected by the leaders of the EU for a period of two and a half. According to several sources from the meeting, the European People's Party requested that the mandate of the President of the European Council be divided into two parts of two and a half years, whereby the People's Party will get one of the mandates.

It seems that this was the main stumbling block and the reason why the leaders did not reach an agreement.

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