Stojan Andov - the first president of the Assembly of the independent and sovereign Republic of Macedonia - died

Stojan Andov, the first president of the Assembly of the independent and sovereign Republic of Macedonia, died at the age of 89. He was born in Kavadarci in 1935.

He was considered an outstanding connoisseur and expert on economic issues, as well as a politician oriented towards the market economy. He was the ambassador of the former Yugoslavia in Iraq (1987-1991).

He is the founder of the Liberal Party of Macedonia and as its president he led the party until its merger with the Democratic Party in 1997, when he was elected president of the Council of the newly formed Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).

In the first multi-party elections in 1990, he was elected as a member of Parliament, and later in all subsequent elections in the country. He was the president of the Assembly for three terms. After the assassination of the former president, Kiro Gligorov, on October 3, 1995, he also held the office of president for a while.

He was a candidate for the president of the Republic of Macedonia in the presidential elections in 1999. 

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