Roma Democratic Union: “It is time for the current Roma political leaders!

This 2019 is about to go, and it just hasn't started in 2020! And immediately the thought of "What to Expect in 2020?" Is immediately put to the question: "What to expect in the New Year?"

As for the "recapitulator" and the question - What the past decade's leaders of the Roma political bloc have done, the answer for their people is simple - Almost NOTHING!

If we elaborate and look back over the entire period of their "political rule" to those "sole Roma political rulers" and summarize their contribution so far we will get the following:

"The Roma in the Republic of Macedonia in these 27 - 28 years have reached the bottom of life - or in other words civilized survival

"Roma continue to be discriminated against, humiliated, enslaved, invisible, legally economically abused, and excluded from most social trends in the country."

"Roma despite legal obligations to join them in society, they are still on the sidelines, and only 'dead letter on paper'

All these achievements are thanks only to the Lord "Eternal Leaders of the Roma Political Bloc". Why?

Because by signing their own coalitions for pie crumbs, they are actually signing to: Deny Roma hatreds, concealment of incidents, lack of infrastructure, desire for personal and illegal profits, abuse of integration and official position and a small million - personal privileges "

In fact, and therefore, it is politely required of you to immediately review your leadership functions (which you were not able to do so) on your own, and on our behalf, established parties.

If you have the virtue to admit that your past activities are truly ZERO, then leave room for the progressive political progressive new Roma political blood. By doing so, you will leave room for the return of pride to the true Roma and their vision. Free the space and at the same time the Roma from your political captivity, so that the freedom and vision of progressive Roma can be expressed!

The new and advanced Roma forces are well aware that Roma life in Macedonia is still politically manipulated and controlled.

The young Roma community is quite limited when it comes to their presence and involvement in political activities.

When it comes to political inclusion we do not refer to partisan employment, but to addressing and advocating for the issues and problems that Roma face.

It is necessary to change the way of presenting and addressing the problems that Roma face, rather than calling them "Roma problems" and to categorize a group in order to avoid certain responsibility (state - citizens), point out and accept that these are political and socio-economic problems affecting the Roma community as a result of years of stigmatization and discrimination of the same group.

Let the new Roma political vision do it, without your help - without the help of a shabby veteran Roma political establishment.

Gentlemen, old Roma political leaders, it's time for your political FYRONT!

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