Public Call from the Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Northern Macedonia for a Roma External Associate

The Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, while consistently making efforts to provide equal opportunities to all citizens for their inclusion in the policy-making processes important for the development of our country, announces this call for expression of interest for engaging a person - External Affairs Officer in the field of multiculturalism, policies, strategies and programs for Roma inclusion in the Republic of Northern Macedonia.

To apply for a public call you need to submit a letter of interest explaining your motive as well as your CV.
Persons should meet the following criteria:
- to be citizens of the Republic of Northern Macedonia;
- be of age;
- by a final court verdict they have not been sentenced with a ban on performing their profession, activity or duty;
- have completed at least Higher Education VII / 1 degree or studies with 240 ECTS in social sciences;
- have experience in the work of the legislative, executive or judicial branches;
- to have at least 5 years of experience in working and cooperating with non-governmental organizations from the country and abroad in the field of multiculturalism, policies, strategies and programs for Roma inclusion in the Republic of Northern Macedonia and Euro-Atlantic integration.
- be proficient in one of the three most commonly used languages ​​of the European Union (English, French, German). Knowledge of other languages ​​will also be an advantage;
- meet the requirements for obtaining a safety certificate.
Expressions of interest with the documentation should be submitted in writing to the archive of the Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, at Aco Karamanov Street 33A, Skopje, labeled "Public Call for Expression of Interest for hiring an External Associate" ", Within 5 (five) business days from the date of announcement of this call until 18.10.2019.

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