According to journalist Mladen Maric: Terrorist attacks on Europe are not made by Muslims, but by Israeli intelligence Mossad?

Prominent BiH journalist Mladen Maric posted on his social networks an interesting text about some developments in Europe.

By rigging yet another mass hysteria in Strasbourg, the Israeli Mossad has attempted to disrupt the "Gilet Jaune" movement, which wants to end Zionist control of France and Europe.

The suspect, Chekatt Cherif, was reportedly born in Cherbourg, a city long known for its links to false flag and spy operations operated by Mossad.

Then the name "Cherif" is commonly believed to be Arab but has a long history of being used by both media-savvy members and Mossad agents.

Interestingly, even the numerical analysis repeatedly appears Zionist - Masonic number 33. Chekatt Cherif is abbreviated CC - C is the third letter of the Latin alphabet and gives the number 33. Mossad actor Chekatt Cherif was reportedly born on 04.02.1989. - and if those numbers were added, we would get 33 again!

This "false flag attack is blamed on Arabs" and that trick is used by Mossad and the Israeli-controlled media. Otherwise Mossad's slogan is "By fraud, you will make war"

The call "Allahu Akbar" is the standard sign of a vicious attack by Mossad and his operation when they want to launch false information.

Otherwise, in spite of the large number of engaged actors running around aimlessly shouting and firing "fake bullets", the The "Chekatt Cherif" is actually a fictitious character with fictitious fenders and bombs - and the whole operation is actually so called. PSY-OP, Deceiving the public through acting and fiction!

There are only two photos on the internet of the "slain" Chekatt Cherifa: There is no greater amount of blood in the vicinity, indicating that it is a mess. Zionist actor Chekatt Cherif completed his role. The second photograph shows "puddle of blood" but away from the body at the entrance, which shows it to be a fraud and a misplaced situation.

The position of the head and body has nothing to do with the red color of the pavement, which seems to be deliberately coated. It is also extremely unlikely that many armed special police officers were able to locate the "terrorist" who easily paired each other with "gunshots" and ran away for quite some time.


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