At the bus stop in Belgrade - Forbidden for luggage handler or Roma?

Once the platform for arriving at the Belgrade bus station has been moved, there are no luggage carriers there. These people were duly registered and all were - Roma.
They say that they are Roma and their work is not allowed. The station denies these claims.

"There is no written order prohibiting them from accessing the platforms, but they are being pressured through the security service and the police," Roma say.

All luggage carriers at the Belgrade bus stop are Roma. There is no contract between them and the station for the job, but as carriers say, they have an oral contract to pay for access to the platforms with a monthly ticket of around 12 euros. But since moving the platform two months ago, they are no longer allowed to buy such tickets.

Carriers point out that at the request of the police several years ago they were all registered as entrepreneurs in the Commercial Registration Agency.

Otherwise, the Belgrade bus station says it is not a matter of discrimination, and that the issue of carrying a rack will soon be resolved.



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