Eurostat, without a census, counted us, we total 2.077.100

According to Eurostat, according to Eurostat, Greece has 10.7 million inhabitants, 7 million live in Bulgaria, 6.96 in Serbia, 4.077 in Croatia, 2.86 million in Albania, and 626.000 in Montenegro.

In the country on January 1 there were 2.077.100 inhabitants, which is about 2.000 more compared with January 1, 2018, Eurostat reported.

The number of the population in the country for one year increased by 0.9 percent. The country recorded a positive natural increase of 1.6 percent last year. Last year, 21,300 were born and 19,700 died.

In the EU there are 513.5 million inhabitants, which is almost one million more than the previous year.

Most residents 83 million have Germany, before France with 67, Britain 66.6, Italy 60.4, Spain 46.9 and Poland 38 million

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