Macedonia and Serbia mostly to solve Roma problems

As a manager of the Roma Initiative at FOI Berlin Neda Korunovska, thanks to the good contacts and cooperation with the Roma NGO sector, they take a good knowledge of this topic and the inclusion of the Roma.

At the regional meeting on Roma integration: Civil Society Regional Workshop last month in Berlin, she highlighted several moments for implementation of projects in the Roma Decade, and noted that higher education was one of the most important elements for Roma inclusion.

Because of the comparison introduced by the European Commission and the guidelines and reports are read, it will be seen where the best results are and which are the region's most vulnerable.
I think that Macedonia is a leader in the region in all areas - education, health and legalization has been done quite a lot.

So if it is necessary to generalize, I would point out that Macedonia and Serbia are on one level, then Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo come with other problems, because there is a problem there and politics, and finally, as in the third basket, Montenegro and Albania.


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