Do the Roma have their own representative in the European Parliament?

At the 2019 election for the 9th convocation of the European Parliament by 751 representatives of the European Parliament, three (3) MPs declare themselves as members of the Roma minority. Two MPs, Lívia Járóka from Hungary and Romeo Franz from Germany were re-elected to the positions of deputies while Peter Pollák from Slovakia is a new member.
But what do we know about these MPs and where are they on the political spectrum?

Lívia Járóka is a representative from Hungary, a member of the Fidesz Democratic Christian Party in the European Opposition Group (EPP). Fidesz party, publicly known as the party of Victor Orban, controversial political leader of Hungary. In February this year, over twelve parties within the European Opposition (EPP) have called for the Fidesz party to suspend because of the extremely anti-European sentiment and initiative.

Romeo Franz is from Germany in the Green Party, and is in a coalition with the Green Party. According to the same source, Representative Franz often participates in the vote in parliament and is stronger than the ideology of the EU Green Party, rather than its state party. The EU Green Party is left-wing, and is interested in minority issues and is strongly European-oriented.

Representative Franz advocates a fairer and more humane treatment of Roma and refugees across Europe. In all likelihood, he is a true pan-EU parliamentarian who fights for the rights of Roma, as well as all other minorities. Also, Representative Franz believes that the biggest problem affecting all the other problems of Roma is the anti-Roma racist stance that most Europeans have about Roma.

Peter Pollák is a newly elected deputy for the European Parliament from the Slovak National Party which is ideologically conservative and is considered the right center. In the European Parliament, they are part of the European Opposition (EPP). As a new member Peter Pollák is the biggest unknown, and from previous interviews we can see that the most important education of children, especially children from the poor, including the Roma community.

Peter Pollák believes that more money will not necessarily solve the problems of the Roma minority, but better guidance of the existing resources can make a difference. Pollak's representative grew up in poverty in the Roma community and knew the problems of the Roma community firsthand.

Unlike representatives of Franz and Járóka, it seems that the Pollák representative will be closest to what the "real representative of Roma" should be in the European Parliament.

The question that will remain open in the next period is whether Roma as the largest European minority of its exclusive representative (s)?


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