About 700 unregistered Roma children will receive special birth certificates

Approximately 700 unregistered persons in the registry of births with the new legal solution will be able to realize their human rights, ie to have access to health, employment, social protection and education, was emphasized by the Sector for Coordination and Technical Support of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy at the closing conference "Together for Equal Rights of Roma Children" within the project "Building strong local networks for the promotion of the protection of the rights of Roma children".

According to the new Law on persons without regulated civil status, it is envisaged that the UCBM will continue the process of transformation from a temporary electronic register into a regular birth register.

From June 10 this year and in the next 30 days, persons who are not registered will be allowed to go to the nearest maternity service and fill out a questionnaire in order to enter the temporary electronic register.

Otherwise this is a result of the project implemented by the CMOS carriers from Greece and the RRC from Skopje, where ZDDICM from Skopje, as well as SP BTR Production, made a complete contribution, which also produced a documentary about this problem.

The project that has been implemented over the past 18 months has been designed to support local coordination mechanisms and structures that have the role to advance the integration of Roma through advancing their capacities for the functional implementation of Roma protection initiatives that are in line with national and EU policies targeting the integration of the Roma community in the Republic of Northern Macedonia.

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