RDS analysis: (Part Four) Presidential elections 2019 - Roma leaders for Roma voting with strong URA, and the effect of "silent storm"!

The presidential election finished the winner is Stevo Pendarovski! But let's make an overview of a different aspect of Romani votes, for example, in the largest and only Roma municipality in the country - Sh.Orizari.
There after the first round on April 21, the results were disappointing in terms of exit, where out of 23,765 voters turnout was 21.8% - 5181 votes out of which 2369 for S.Pendarovski, 45.7% Silyanovska 1774 or 34.2%, B.Reka 835 or 16.1%.
The fact is that all of the more important Roma factors in Shutka during the pre-election campaigns were many "strong" on social networks, but on the day of voting the effect was very different!
From that aspect, and perceiving the figures, as if the alarm for an uproar between the parties was included, and already after the first round, it was obvious that the second round was "corrected" to show their mentors from SDSM and VMRO DPMNE.

And in the second round they started out loud with calls and motivation hoping for their credibility. Also, besides the SRM, PCER, OPER, the mayor of the SDSM, as well as the other party such as ROM, the JRC, including here for motivation for exit from both Avaya and other Roma NGOs, it was thought that in the second round it will be twice as big.
So literally started with a strong URA, but the effect was not on the required level! unlike the first round this time the turnout was slightly higher, for about 1,700 voters more or in numbers of 23,765, voting 6899 or exit 29%.
The difference in votes was in favor of Pendarovski for 1,583 votes!
Or in translation "It was trembling the mountain was born a mouse".
The point is as follows: Roma vocal leaders, Romani analysts (Avaia), motivational loud, but the effect was - 7% greater exit than the first round!
Let's ask if with this result there is a place for presenting about the power and credibility of these factors to act on the Roma populations?
It must be one thing to motivate the Roma people, it is necessary to see the positive effect and the deeds first, because they are already "alive mother" not to believe! Loud motivational speeches and phrases like "will be", "we will do", "we will achieve" and similar have no effect! It is necessary for the people to be open, honest and straightforward in all 365 days of the year, and not just in 20 days during campaigns, and after: "Sorry and who was you?"

RDS analysis continues ...

 The position of the text is a personal position of the RDS and is outside the editorial policy of the Roma Times Web Portal

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