RDS analysis: (Part Five) Is it Time for "Broom" and in the worn and outraged Roma political staff?

Every beginning has an end! It is a commonly known phrase, for things when going down the line. When it comes to the issue, the Romani political establishment is evident that in the past three decades after the establishment of the first Roma party PCER led by the first Roma MP in the Macedonian assembly Mr. Faik Abdi, who is no longer among the living from that party to the day - today several names have appeared, imposing themselves as Roma political representatives who continue to function in their established political nests until today.

Among them are Amdi Bajram, Nezdet Mustafa, Shaban Saliu, Samka Ibraimovski, Bajram Berat, etc. They have in the past had that "privilege" as coalition partners to enter political shopping with the two major Macedonian parties SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE.

And always "bargaining" was interesting only in their own name, in order to position themselves in a higher place on the ballot lists and similar minor benefits. That time already leaves. That's why the timing of the question is: "Is it time for" Broom "and in the worn and outraged Roma political staff?" Why? Because you see the results of the starting set! It's time for a fresh political infusion. New modern and avant-garde ideas and strategies are needed.

This capacity also exists among the older set of experienced people without political sting and with great political experience. People who have built their own capacity in international institutions, as well as in some young people who "bite" about such activities.

All are needed are people who know how to work, and at the same time they are at a price among the Roma. Without causing that "alone / and we can do everything" it will work best with a fusion of experience and youth. It is the only formula for chances for success and a new wave of the Macedonian Roma political scene.
One message to those young people with a "great appetite" for political functions, which the old say: "Do not eat everything that flies"

The Vanities must not work. For the benefit of the Roma, we need to leave the vanities in a heap. Just sincerely, openly and directly in the eye to look! The quality itself will float to the surface. It's one thing to sit in an office and "sweeten" your mind, and another is in everyday activity that in the field that in the practical work you can mature and know the facts and needs. The best way is to work for what you've been studying and for which you have a degree. Tests or rehearsals do not pass. Otherwise it will be as it was before with the headset that awaits the "broom".

Let's not be like that one after that: I got a quote and I accepted a role to play in a porn movie! In the end, my role in the porn movie turned out to be the man of the main porn star who goes on a business trip, and she remains alone at home! The end is known!

RDS analysis continues ...

 The position of the text is a personal position of the RDS and is outside the editorial policy of the Roma Times Web Portal

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