Who is Stevo Pendarovski - The new president elected yesterday

Stevo Pendarovski won 436,212 votes or 51.66 per cent of the votes cast in the second round of the presidential election, contrary to the opponent of VMRO-DPMNE and the Coalition, Gordana Siljanovska Davkova, who won 377,713 votes or 44.73 per cent total number.

Stevo Pendarovski was born on April 3, 1963 in Skopje. He is a graduated lawyer at the Faculty of Law at the University "St. Cyril and Methodius ", MA in the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research (ISPPI) at the same university on the topic" The New Geopolitics of the Republic of Macedonia: The Contradictions of the Communist and Transitional Matrix ", and then thesis on" The EU's Foreign and Security Policy and Small States: The Framework of National Discourse ".

He is a professor in international security, globalization, world politics and the United States, international organizations and institutions, foreign policy and terrorism, was the head of the department of analytics at the Ministry of Interior and a spokesman for the Ministry of Interior, and is also known for being the chief adviser on foreign policy in the chambers of the presidents Boris Trajkovski and Branko Crvenkovski. In 2004 and 2005 he was the head of the State Election Commission.

In 2014, he was SDSM's candidate for the presidency of the country, but in the elections he lost by Gjorge Ivanov with 398 thousand votes.
He has a wife and a son.

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