Grüne: More support for Roma clubs

On the International Roma Day, the Greens demand more financial support for Roma associations in Burgenland - especially with regard to the 2021 anniversary year.
The Roma and Sinti have been a recognized Austrian ethnic group since 1993.

The Roma associations in Burgenland have done important work to preserve the language, to reduce prejudices and to combat racism, said the Green Party member of the Greens, Wolfgang Spitzmüller.

The deputy complained that the situation of the Roma and Sinti in Europe is deteriorating again with the rise of right-wing parties and movements. He referred to the example of Italy, where just last week an emergency housing for Roma was attacked by racists and right-wing extremists and Interior Minister Salvini was open to the expulsion of the Roma.

Strommer: fight discrimination
"In times when right-wing parties are also in government in Austria, exclusion, racism and hatred must be clearly opposed. Movements like the identities have no place in Austria and the EU, "said Spitzmüller.

Also the second president of the state parliament Rudolf Strommer (ÖVP) comments on the International Day of the Roma. One must continue to fight a discrimination against Roma. Still existing injustices are unworthy of a liberal, western democracy, so Strommer.


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