A new political party on the Macedonian scene, President Aksel Ahmedovski, was formed

A founding assembly of the Party for Democratic Prosperity of the Roma (PDRP) was held in Vinica, which will act mainly among the Roma population in the eastern region of the country.

Aksel Ahmedovski, a law graduate from Delchevo, was elected chairman of the party, who until recently was a minister without portfolio in charge of the implementation of the Strategy for Roma. Five members of the larger cities in the region entered the party leadership.

- Finally, after many decades, the Roma from the East self-organized and agreed to form their own party, which will work to protect their interests and rights. Our commitment is to act independently of other parties, with the possibility of a later coalition co-operation with one of the major party structures. For us, we have a solid electoral body of over tens of thousands of citizens who gave us support for the establishment, and we already have a member of the municipal council in Vinica - said Ahmedovski.

At the founding assembly of the DPRD, it was decided that the seat of the party should be in Delchevo, while party affiliates will be formed in all municipalities from the three constituencies in the eastern region.

For the upcoming presidential elections, the candidate will be given support, and in the next period, the main task for the party leadership will be field work to present the action program.

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