In the upcoming census, the emigrants will also be registered by a statement of their relatives

In the upcoming population census, Diaspora expatriates will be able to register only with a statement from their family members.
Presenting their ID number, they will thus be able to prove that they are citizens of Macedonia.

The news was announced by the Deputy Prime Minister Osmani, and this is probably the necessary compromise, after it was announced that the census will still have a column for ethnicity.

In this way, it is expected that the issue that bothered the process will be solved - how the diaspora expatriates will register.

Regarding the census law, Osmani said that the government has harmonized the basic principles. He added that some technical details should be harmonized, after which the law should be passed into the Assembly for adoption.

The census should be conducted from 1 April to 21 April 2020. The last one was realized in 2002 and was followed by numerous debates about the percentage of the population in the country from an ethnic point of view.

The census was in 2011, but was interrupted on the last day of its implementation. The Special Public Prosecutor's Office opened an investigative procedure for the eventual liability for the canceled inventory.

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