Karakachanov: If not resolved for the year - two Roma problems will be at risk after ethnic peace

"While we are playing politics, the state is disappearing. The problem with the Roma is so serious that if measures are not taken to 1-2 years, there is a serious risk for the ethnic peace in us. "
This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Krasimir Karakachanov during the convening of a round table on the Concept against the Romani Rise of Bulgaria.
What do we offer with our concept? We want to tighten the measures towards state organs, that is, greater efficiency of control over the provision of children's allowance, as well as the abuse of social benefits, "the Deputy Prime Minister explained, adding that the concept is not even the least discriminatory, as some non-governmental organizations show.
"They say the concept was discriminatory, no one managed to point out text in this project some element of discrimination," he said.
"Of course, we should not forget the emphasis on the socialization of the Roma population. The education of illiterate people should be a compulsory policy. Work should also be done to remove ghettos and prevent illegal construction, as well as measures against these people only to be supported by social assistance.
The idea is after this conversation all told and proposed to be processed and finally to offer in the form of a conception that will be adopted in the Council of Ministers, "Karakachanov said.
The deputy prime minister urged politicians to impose a certain censorship on how to deal with ethnos and how to use it, or otherwise no concept will give the necessary effect.

Link: http://www.obshtestvo.org/goreshti-temi/karakachanov-ako-ne-reshim-do-1-2-godini-ciganskiq-problem-ima-risk-za-etnicheskiq-mir/


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