Council of Europe with advice to Albania: More positive protection of minority rights, including Roma

Albania recognizes nine national minorities - Roma, Egyptian, Bosniak, Bulgarian, Romanian, Greek, Montenegrin, Macedonian and Serbian.

In the fourth opinion on Albania, the Advisory Committee of the Council of Europe's Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (RCNM) calls on official Tirana to ensure that the law on the protection of national minorities can be effectively implemented with the adoption of additional legislation.

By a decision of the Council of Ministers of Albania from May 2011, the obligation of the birth certificates certificates to be assigned to the ethnicity of persons who were discriminatory was also abolished.

Roma and Egyptians continue to be victims of inequality and discrimination, especially at the local level. Further efforts need to be made to improve their living conditions and access to employment, education and health care, and to promote their integration into society. Additionally, adequate funds should be allocated for the implementation of the National Action Plan for the Integration of Roma and Egyptians for the period 2016-2020.

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