They declare themselves as Roma in order to enroll in medicine! False reporting of ethnicity in secondary schools

This was established by the municipal inspectorate after the inspection it carried out in this school, during which it was determined that some of the students submitted a signed statement to a notary that they are of Roma ethnicity and thus automatically have the opportunity to reduce the number of students in the admission quota by 10 %, using the number reserved for the Roma community. - Here there was abuse by the students who declared themselves of Roma or Macedonian ethnicity, because we do not have the number of Macedonians to fill all the classes and they tried to enroll in the secondary medical school. The municipal inspectorate for education was also on the ground, where they ascertained that these actions were made by the students with statements or their parents and the municipal inspectorate of all those students who tried or expected to be enrolled and with less points than the criteria required in secondary medical school, says Nazmi Dauti, education department in Tetovo municipality.

During the day we tried but failed to get a statement from the high school principal Binaz Payaziti on this matter.

The Roma NGO says that the Ministry of Education should take measures, because this phenomenon also occurs in Skopje, Bitola and Prilep.

-Unfortunately, this is not the case only in Tetovo, it also happens in other municipalities! This also happens in Skopje, Bitola and the municipality of Prilep, and there is talk of a number of 100 to 150 people who falsely declare themselves as Roma, a practice that happened in previous years as well, but this year there is a huge number who falsely declared themselves and I wanted to I would like to add that maybe the schools themselves teach the students such a thing, because we have a network in almost all the schools and we hope that commissions will be formed from the competent inspectorate to find all those who registered falsely.



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