120 young Roma acquired skills for professional development and activism with the support of USAID's activity for youth who actively create opportunities and in cooperation with the educational center "Geniuses", through the organized youth action in the high school "Shaip Yusuf" in Skopje.
As part of the action, certificates were awarded to young people who participated in sessions on English language, computer science and activism.
As announced by the USAID Office, the event was attended by Maria Longzi, Development Assistance Coordinator from the Office for the Coordination of US Aid for Europe and Eurasia.
The program also involves the participation of former participants, helping them acquire basic language, digital and practical skills for better employment opportunities.
The principal of "Shaip Yusuf" secondary school, Doan Suleimanoski, emphasized that he is proud of their students "for their enthusiasm, dedication and innovation".
During the event, Shaip Yusuf High School graduates had the opportunity to attend individual career counseling sessions.
These initiatives are organized within the framework of the USAID Activity for Youth Actively Creating Opportunities, implemented by the American non-profit organization Advancing Economies for Stronger Communities, in partnership with the Center for the Development of Managers and Entrepreneurs (CEED Hub) Skopje and the Youth Education Forum, and are made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).