On December 17 in Belgrade, Serbia, the premiere of the documentary of the SP BTR "Sky - Wheel - Earth"

The documentary film of the SP BTR "Sky - Wheel - Earth" continues to conquer the audience outside of Macedonia. After the November premieres in Hungary and two in Finland, now it is Serbia's turn.

On December 17, starting at 12:00 at the Memorial Center "Staro Sajmište" in Belgrade, it will be premiered to the Serbian audience.

The documentary film "Sky - Wheel - Earth" opens a new perspective on the history of the Roma and was shot in 15 countries, with a team of experienced professionals who created the Roma television in North Macedonia in the early 1990s and fight for the rights of the Roma, breaking traditions, but also remembering the darkest history that this noble people experienced - and the hostilities and anti-Gypsyism de facto continue. The documentary dignified and coolly opens the dramatic history of the Roma, as well as its lesser-known sides, without the melancholy that usually occurs when watching documentaries about people who suffered. The idea for the realization belongs to the leader and producer of Roma Zoran Dimov, and he wrote the script with Ramush Muarem. Both are Roma and, with more than 25 years of working experience with the Roma, they know the history, traditions, culture and language of the Roma well. The goal of the documentary is to show interesting and 95% unknown facts about the Roma. When all the post-production was finished, it was clear to the team that they had made something for the first time - a real documentary about the entire history of the Roma, based on the statements of key Roma factors (historians, linguists, intellectuals), who spent their entire lives researching and documenting facts. This film tries to minimize negative thoughts and stereotypes, stigmatization and discrimination of one of the most oppressed nations in the world, the Roma. At the end of the film, the world's biggest superstars born as Roma will be shown, including Charlie Chaplin, Rita Hayworth, Michael Caine, Ronnie Wood, Pablo Picasso, Yul Brynner, Natalie Wood, Ava Gardner, Niccolò Paganini and Elvis Presley. Filming countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden and Turkey.

The premiere in Belgrade is organized by the National Roma Council of Serbia.

Otherwise, it will be shown in other cities across Serbia such as Niš, Pirot, Vranje, Kruševac and others.

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