Unforgettable: 8 years without the queen of Roma and Macedonian music Esma Redzepova Teodosievska

Esma Redzepova was born in Skopje on August 8, 1943. She was a famous Macedonian singer and humanitarian. She was called the Queen of Roma Music worldwide. In 2013, she received the prestigious title of National Artist of the Republic of Macedonia.

Redzepova is the fifth of six children of Qanija and Ibraim Redzepov, in a small house in the center of Skopje. Esma was in love with singing from an early age, but her father Ibraim did not actually know that she had already captivated the audience with her voice, singing a song in a theater play and that she had received an invitation to participate in an inter-school singing competition in Saraj.

Ibraim found out about this one day, when the famous pop artist Stevo Teodosievski knocked on the Redzepovs' door. He came to convince him to let Esma perform with his ensemble. In the fall of 1957, Esma won the competition and received invitations to collaborate with Radio Skopje. Esma, as a 13-year-old girl, dressed in a modest dress, was discovered by music critics as an extraordinary talent. At that moment, Esma's life took a different turn. She joined Teodosievski's ensemble, and her father received a promise from Stevo that he would take care of her, her performance, her career, and that he would not allow her to become a bar singer. Stevo Teodosievski's old car, the roads, new cities, and hotels became her home. First, they started with modest tours in Macedonia, then in the republics of the former Yugoslavia. Esma's first performance outside the SFRY was in 1961 in Bulgaria. On the two-month tour, she was a real attraction, because at that time it was not "natural" for Roma to get involved in pop life. Due to contacts and a more developed music market, Esma from Skopje became a resident of Belgrade in 1960.

Esma became popular and therefore entered the protocol of the President of Yugoslavia. She first sang before Tito in 1961, when the marshal was visited by Indonesian President Sukarno. Her songs also delighted Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, when he was vacationing at the Brioni residence.

She was nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize. First in 1987, as a candidate of the Yugoslav Red Cross. and the second time at the proposal of the International Roma Union - IRU with the support of 76 non-governmental organizations and Lions Clubs in the country. Esma never gave birth to her own children, but adopted and raised 47. Esma is the most prominent musical name on the Macedonian, Balkan and world folk music scene, she is a woman who dedicated her life to humanity, philanthropy and kindness.

Esma Redzepova recorded and released more than 580 songs. She performed at more than 22,000 concerts, a third of which were held for charity. With the Teodosievski Ensemble, she recorded 108 singles, 32 compact cassettes, 15 discs, six video cassettes and numerous television shows. Redzepova sang mostly in Romani and Macedonian, but she also recorded songs in Serbo-Croatian, Turkish, Hebrew, Greek and Hindi. Esma Redzepova died on December 11, 2016 in Skopje.

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