On November 6 at the Faculty of Philology in Skopje, RDICM and the Network for Systemic and Permanent Solutions will mark the International Day of the Romani Language on November 5

Since UNESCO declared November 5 as the International Day of the Romani Language in 2015, and since 2018, 16 member states of the Council of Europe have recognized the Romani language as a minority language according to the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, this significant day is marked in most of Europe and beyond. Within those frameworks, the Republic of North Macedonia also commemorates this day with several events. One of those events is organized by RDICM and the Network for Systemic and Permanent Solutions of the Roma Community in the Republic of Macedonia. They, supported by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, will mark this day on November 6, 2023 - Monday, starting at 10 am.

The event will be held at the Faculty of Philology "Blaze Koneski" in Skopje.

According to the organizers, senior representatives from state institutions such as the Government, Parliament and several ministries, representatives from higher educational institutions, etc., will have their welcome speech at the event.

The diplomatic corps has been invited as well as many others, including those from the non-governmental sector, from social and political life, etc.

It is planned to hold a small introductory history in connection with the celebration of the day, as well as an academic class on the topic: "Promotion of the Romani language and literature." The Romani language.

At the end, plaques will also be awarded to individuals and institutions that have contributed to the preservation of the Romani language. The motto of this year's commemoration on November 5 is: "Roma language, the root of Roma identity"

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