The first exhibition of photos and biographies of "Roma partisans" was organized by the author Daniel Petrovski, M.Sc.

Today, the exhibition "Roma Partisans" was presented in front of a large number of people present at the "Brothers Ramiz and Hamid" OU in Shuto Orizari. The exhibition "Roma Partisans" is the author's work of Daniel Petrovski, MA, PhD student at the Institute of Folklore "Marko Cepenkov" in Skopje. The exhibition focuses on the partisan movement in Macedonia and the participation of Roma in it during the Second World War.

The partisan movement was a counterbalance and resistance to the Nazi and fascist movements in Europe. According to research, at least 200 Roma partisans took part in the NOB during Yugoslavia. Only part of the Roma partisans for whom I could and had available literature and materials are highlighted in this exhibition. Data are shown for 50 Roma partisans from Skopje, Kumanovo, Berovo, Pehčevo village of Crnik, Prilep and Bitola. In the coming days, precisely the same exhibition will be presented in the square in the municipality of Shuto Orizari on 26.10.2023, on 07.11. in Topaana in Skopje and from November 13 to 17 in the Museum of Macedonia in Skopje. Otherwise, the organizer of the exhibition is the Association "Romano Ilo" from Skopje

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