Belgrade: The Museum of Roma Culture was robbed, objects and paintings worth several thousand euros were stolen!

Two days ago, the Museum of Roma Culture, located on Roosevelt Street in Belgrade, was robbed. According to the director of the Museum, Dragoljub Ackovic, in a statement to, a large amount of objects of exceptional value were stolen.

- The theft happened a few days ago. Many copper objects and a dozen paintings, which are very valuable, were burned. Among them is an icon of Aunt Bibija. It is an original worth several thousand euros. Other paintings, or rather ten of them, cost at least ten thousand euros. Other artifacts are worth several thousand... The television, sound system and many other items were stolen - Ackovic told

As Ackovic says, the robbers and thieves first tore the cables and then transported everything by car.

- The police went to the field, but the perpetrators are unknown - Ackovic told



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