Short info: The truth about the name - ROMA PEOPLE

The first appointment of Roma by non-Romans was reported about 1100 years ago, called Atsincana, based on the Greek word Athigganien, meaning "Untouchable" which was transformed into Atsinganein, to finally get the form of the word - CIGAN. (GYPSY)

Then this appointment slowly loses the trail o is replaced with the form of the word "Gypsy" with the belief that Roma come to Europe from Egypt - Egyptians (E) gyptians - Gypsies, Females, In Britain terminology is formulated as Gypsy in France Gitan, in Spain - Gitanos et al

Today, everywhere in the world, the terminology Rom is used. This is a word from the Romani vocabulary - which has been named among the Roma and has been noted since the Middle Ages in the Byzantine countries.

Accordingly, the language is also named Romani.

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