Antonio Banderas, one of the most celebrated Spanish Roma!

After the American film star of Roma origin, Charlie Chaplin and Jul Brenner, Antonio Banderas is the most famous film Roma.

Otherwise, Jul Brinner was also active in the fight for Roma rights and participant in the activities of the International Roma Union - IRU in the 1970s. Now, Antonio Banderas has started with his more open support in the past few decades for the Roma community.
Banderas was born in Spain, Malaga on August 10, 1960.

In his hometown, with the support of his fellow citizens, he directed his activities towards the poor Roma community from the suburbs of Malaga and has his own restaurant.

In order to symbolize Benghazi's Roma origin, he has set up a bike in his restaurant at the entrance, which characterizes the two beliefs of the Roma that it brings happiness. At the same time, traditional Romani cuisine is served on the menu.
Otherwise, this is another fact that there are many well-known and prominent figures in the world who do not hide their origin, but at the same time there are many who, due to prejudices towards the Roma people, still hide their Roma identity.

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