Grand Prix of the Golden Wheel 2019 for "The page of my book" directed by Gaila Stojanov from the Republic of Bulgaria

In the solemn atmosphere and in front of the guests present at the Cinematheque of Macedonia in Skopje, the award ceremony for the most successful at this year's 17th International Roma Film Festival "Golden Wheel 2019" was held.
The whole festival was organized by SP BTR Productions.

The festival jury decided this year to compete in the selection of 18 films that were in the two-day program of the show as an overall winner and the Grand prize was presented to the film "The page of my book" directed by Gajla Stojanov from Bulgaria.

Also, the festival jury awarded other awards and plaques. This year's winners are: Contribution to the Roma Strategy - ,,My education today, for better tomorrow''
for Roma Resource Center - RRC - Skopje, Best Music for "We Are Change" for NRC - Kumanovo, for best scenario "Children and Poverty" Production - 3 PIX Media - Skopje, for Best Director for the film “Outside the circle - invisible in society” for the Initiative for Social Change - InSoK, Skopje, as the best documentary film "Sa e Roma" directed by Daniel Petrovski and as special award from the expert jury for the documentary
„Merry Is The Romani Life" by script and directed by Ludmila Zhivkova from Bulgaria.

Within the festival, more plaques and gratitude were awarded for several legal factors that contributed to the successful realization of this festival, as well as three diploma awards for children who made one-minute videos.

At the very end, the organizer of the festival, Zoran Dimov, reminded the guest about the last last year's product "Local Heroes" at over 20 film festivals outside the country and was awarded with several awards, and also announced the next project that should be realized and that is the documentary on the history of the Roma "Sky-Land-Wheel"

It should be noted that this year's edition of the Golden Wheel was supported by the Film Fund of the Republic of R. Macedonia.

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