Call to all Roma cultural activists to send information on how many projects have been applied and how they have been approved for the 2019 annual program of the Ministry of Culture

According to the published results of the Annual Program Competition for 2019 by the Ministry of Culture, the approved funding for the implementation of projects is the question: How many Roma cultural workers have applied and how many of them have been approved?

For a timely response to this institution, complete information is needed on the number of submitted applications, the amount of the requested funds, and on the other hand information on the approved funds for the total number of submitted applications.

This initiative is initiated by the President of the REDICM Zoran Dimov, who is a member of the working group for drafting a National Action Plan for the Promotion of Roma Culture, in accordance with the Strategy for Roma 2014-2020. Otherwise, this Working Group was established in November 2018 with a decision by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the then Minister without Portfolio Axel Ahmedovski.

The basic point is to see the real number of submitted requests, and then to draw a conclusion on the level at which the Roma culture is targeted, and according to which criteria the Commission from the Ministry of Culture has defined the awarded or denied projects.
Therefore, once again we ask all Roma legal and physical entities in the field of culture who have applied for the Ministry of Culture in 2019 to send information on the applied projects, how many applications they sent, how much the budget was on demand, how much they approved and the amount of indebted and approved assets.

You can do so on the following email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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