Czech Labor Office director rejects accusations that Romani flood victims are being treated unequally, Czech Government Commissioner for Roma Minority Affairs says she has reports of unequal treatment from reliable sources

Romani flood victims from Ostrava and its surroundings are continuing to report cases of being treated unequally during the provision of aid. News server reported on these complaints on Friday. According to information from the field that has been provided to the Czech Government Commissioner for Roma Minority Affairs, some bureaucrats are behaving arrogantly and disdainfully toward Romani flood victims. The Director-General of the Labor Offices of the Czech Republic, Daniel Krištof, told news server that these allegations are "untrue" and even called them "defamation". In his view, the Labor Office treats all citizens equally. “I went to the Labor Office to request Exceptional Aid, but I encountered bureaucratic obstacles. I was told I had to submit my rental contract for the apartment that had been submerged even though it was clear that I have no access to it now. The staffers at the office were unprepared for this situation and behaved arrogantly,” Romani activist Elena Gorolová, a flood victim from the Ostrava-Přívoz quarter.



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