A new scientific work on denials of the genocide against the Roma - a book by Dr. Vladimir Umeljic

About this scientific-research work, published in which publications from IK Prometheus and Archives of Vojvodina, at its presentation, besides the author, also spoke

Dr. Nebojsa Kuzmanović and Zoran Kolundžija.

The author of the review, academician prof. Dr. Rajko Djuric stated that Umeljic successfully explained the dehumanization of the victims of Roma origin, starting from initial, permanent and intense, to relativization and even denial of the genocide against the Roma, which as a rule is used by the representatives of the "Auschwitz lie" ".

Umeljic's study contains all the essential elements of scientific research work. It was written in accordance and in the spirit of the principle: history is anchored in the present, it has its own assumptions in the past, and its consequences point to the future - stressed Academician Djuric.

Link: https://www.novosti.rs/c/kultura/vesti/1405541/poricanju-genocida-nad-romima-prometeju-predstavljanje-knjige-vladimira-umeljica

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