Natalija Trik FX opened her soul: My father did not accept Sani, for him he was a bum from Zemun, also a Roma

Natalija Trik FX admitted that her father was against her marriage. Natalija and Sani Ibraimov, members of the group Trik FX, are considered one of the longest-lasting couples on the music scene. They have been together for more than three decades, since 1993. In marriage, they had a son, Dejan, who, unlike his parents, does not like to be exposed to the media.

Although "Trik FX" was at the height of its popularity in the nineties of the last century, Natalija and Sani are still active. They got married in 1995, after two years of dating. However, already at the beginning of their married life, they faced obstacles.

- When I got married, my father didn't want to hear me or see me. He didn't talk to me for a long time. Then he asked me: Okay, is it possible for you, my daughter, to marry him. - It bothered him that Sani was of Roma nationality. For my father, he was a bum from Zemun, and also a Roma - Natalija honestly admitted, guesting on the "D-Cast" podcast.

As she said, she was brought up to divide people exclusively into good and bad. And she reminded her father of that.

- I told him, well, you taught me not to divide people, especially not to look at who belongs to which religion. Man is either good or bad, there is no third.

At the end of her confession, the dancer pointed out: - For me, they are Roma... I can't explain it. It's like that blood is flowing in me.



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