The monument to the shot students and Roma children - shoe cleaners in Kragujevac, neglected and overgrown with weeds

In the park in "Šumarica" ​​in Kragujevac, where there is a memorial to the shot of almost 3,000 people from Kragujevac, which was built in the month of October 1941, known as the memorial park "Oktomvri" in Kragujevac, these days it is overgrown with grass and weeds.

In the past, the authorities in Šumarica did an excellent job of maintaining the graves and monuments in Šumarica, which are located next to the paved path, but those that are out of sight of the visitors were neglected.

Since the media wrote about it, those responsible in the local government reacted and organized the cleaning of the memorial park.

But that's why the small memorial plaque in the memorial park of the same name, which was erected in honor of the 50-odd little Roma who were shot - shoe shiners in that period, next to the Crystal Flower monument, is neglected and overgrown with grass and rubble.

The grave maintained by the "Milutin Todorović" OU, near the "Pain and Defiance" monument, has always been carefully maintained and decorated.

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