Remembering the expulsion of Roma from Kosovo 25 years ago

Since June 13, 1999, Roma have been systematically expelled from Kosovo after living there for more than 600 years. Today, only a small minority of Kosovo Roma still live in the country, with more than 80 percent living in the diaspora, scattered across Europe and beyond.

After the war in Kosovo and the withdrawal of the Yugoslav army, the majority population of Kosovo began to expel Roma from their homes and settlements. This ethnic cleansing of 150,000 Roma was accompanied by serious war crimes: many people were tortured, raped and killed. Hundreds of them have disappeared to this day, and their relatives do not know what happened to them or where their remains are. Houses and settlements of Roma were looted and set on fire or occupied. Fabrička Mahala, the largest Roma settlement in Kosovo, where 8,000 people lived, was completely destroyed.

The fate of Fabrička Mahala and its inhabitants is also at the center of a photo exhibition that will be staged in Troyes on June 13, 2024, on the occasion of the 25th day of remembrance of the exiled Roma from Kosovo.

An exhibition of photos of exiled Roma from Kosovo and Metohija will also be opened at the event.



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