Czech republic failure to collect data on Romani children in state care ruled a violation of European social charter

The European Committee of Social Rights has issued a landmark ruling against the Czech Republic, acknowledging that the lack of sufficient data collection on the overrepresentation of Romani children in the country’s state care constitutes indirect discrimination. This binding ruling is the outcome of a complaint jointly filed by the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) and the Forum for Human Rights (FORUM) in early 2020.

"The ruling sends a clear message – governments can no longer hide behind the excuse of not collecting ethnic data to conceal their discriminatory practices against Romani communities. The decision emphasises the crucial role of ethnic data in shaping impactful policies, echoing concerns raised by respected international bodies like ECRI, the Commissioner for Human Rights, and the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child" said ERRC Legal Director, Senada Sali.

“The European Committee's decision provides an opportunity to unify the practice of collecting ethnic data and to create a sensitive and transparent method for assessing exactly where and to what extent discrimination against Roma is occurring. This decision will make available data that can help reveal the structural nature of discrimination and antigypsyism” said Maroš Matiaško, Senior Legal Counsel at FORUM.



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