Přerov, Czech Republic: July incident between Romani and Ukrainian children was verbal and involved no weapons, police have transferred it to the misdemeanor commission

Officers transferred the case to the bureaucrats at City Hall to be dealt with as a misdemeanor. The incident sparked tensions in the city at the time and several dozen local Romani residents assembled outside a police station to ask that the case be investigated.

The police also had to address the dissemination of disinformation by a local resident on social media. The conflict between two small groups of children on a local square in Přerov transpired on 10 July.

The investigation of the incident has now been closed by police as a misdemeanor against civil coexistence. “An investigation and operations were performed in this matter, on the basis of which we have categorized this case as a misdemeanor against civil coexistence. It was ascertained that two small groups of minors mutually attacked each other verbally. It was not confirmed that any of the children threatened anybody with a knife or any other kind of weapon. All circumstances of the case were logged and the material was sent yesterday to the relevant administrative unit at Přerov City Hall, which will deal with it according to its competences,” Zajícová posted to the police website today.

Link: https://romea.cz/en/czech-republic/prerov-czech-republic-july-incident-between-romani-and-ukrainian-children-was-verbal-and-involved-no-weapons-police-have-transferred-it-to-the-misdemeanor-commissio

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