Slovak Fascists want to change laws about online media to prevent libel

Slovak news server reports that MPs from the "People's Party Our Slovakia" (Lidová strana Naše Slovensko - ĽSNS) believe the country's legal protections for persons whose "good name, honor and dignity" have been trampled on in public through online media should be improved, and they will be proposing legislation to that effect. ĽSNS MPs Marian Kotleba, Ján Kecskés, Rastislav Schlosár and Stanislav Drobný will be submitting an amendment to the law on the press when the National Assembly convenes in September.

The bill's aim is to expand the scope of the current legislation to include online news outlets. ĽSNS is a Fascist party led by Kotleba that believes in the ethos of the wartime Slovak State and its representatives.

"The global trend in electronic services is expanding rapidly and is practically unstoppable. One of the most intensively developing services for the public is news reporting through the Internet," the ĽSNS legislators note.



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