Any bite of food could kill them: These women because of Hitler had the hardest job

A group of young women in the Third Reich lived on the edge of their daily lives, pursuing a profession that no one loved. They were tasters of Hitler's food, tasting everything that came to the Führer on the table in front of him if any of his ranks or allies wanted to poison him.

They stayed away from the public until 2013, when 95-year-old Margot Wolfe shared her story with a SPIEGEL journalist. Now is a play by director Michel Coloss Brooks about the life of Hitler's tasters.

The focus is on the stories of the lives of the four women who lived in the school next to Hitler's World War II headquarters. The complex was located in Poland.

- The play explores the strange distance from the history of World War II and explores the universal theme of adolescence, but in a very dangerous environment. Although their lives were filled with moments of fear for their lives, with every spoon that came to their mouths, it was, in fact, a very boring job. 

Compared to many other military experiences, life was easy and simple. By 1944, there were many hungry people in Germany, and they were given three meals a day and a rare ingredient because Hitler was a vegetarian, so his diet consisted mainly of rice, pasta and exotic fruits.

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