Is a group of taxi drivers in Nis ordered not to accept Roma?

A lot of dust in Serbia has been raised due to the online taxi rulebook where taxi drivers are ordered not to accept Roma. It is not specified which association it is, but it is assumed that it is a low taxi association because of the name of the neighborhood where it is listed as a place of avoidance.

The authenticity of the document has not yet been confirmed, but if proven, there is no doubt that the author of the driver's manual violates human rights.

Although the rulebook prohibits taxi drivers from using the toilet and water at the company's headquarters, it clearly states that members of the Roma community for this taxi company are unwanted clients.

The document also sets out precise guidelines on how drivers should behave if they are stopped by Roma and how to avoid them most easily.

 "Because of media reports that cannot be sure what the text is about, human rights organizations are urged to read this document."

It is expected that if there is indeed a rulebook, the lawsuit can be made as soon as possible. This way of working is unacceptable and needs to be sanctioned.



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